See my Google Scholar
Wang, M., S. Aalbers, R. De Guzman, C. Villafana, K. Kauer, L. Bellquist, and C. Sepulveda. 2024. Electronic Monitoring Performance in a Developing Deep-Set Fishery for Swordfish, Xiphias gladius, off California. Marine Fisheries Review 85(1-4): 111-122. [LINK]
Mason, E.T.J., Riecke, T.V., Bellquist, L.F., Pondella, D.J. and Semmens, B.X., 2024. Recruitment limitation increases susceptibility to fishing-induced collapse in a spawning aggregation fishery. Marine Ecology Progress Series 738: 203-224. [LINK]
Coscino, C.L., Bellquist, L., Harford, W.J. and Semmens, B.X., 2024. Influence of life history characteristics on data-limited stock status assertions and minimum size limit evaluations using Length-Based Spawning Potential Ratio (LBSPR). Fisheries Research, 276, p.107036. [LINK]
Kauer, K., Bellquist, L., Humberstone, J., Saccomanno, V., Oberhoff, D., Flumerfelt, S. and Gleason, M., 2024. Advancing fisheries sustainability and access through community fisheries trusts. Marine Policy, 165, p.106210. [LINK]
Johnston, E.M., G.T. Waltz, R. Kosaka, E.M. Brauer, S.L. Ziegler, E.T. Jarvis Mason, H.S. Glanz, L. Zaragoza, A.N. Kellum, R.O. Brooks, B.X. Semmens, C.J. Honeyman, J.E. Caselle, L.F. Bellquist, S.L. Small, S.G. Morgan, T.J. Mulligan, C.L. Coscino, J.M. Staton, R.M. Starr, S.L. Hamilton, B.I. Ruttenberg, D.E. Wendt. 2024. Participation in collaborative fisheries research improves the perceptions of recreational anglers towards marine protected areas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, p.1330498. [LINK]
Samhouri, J., B. Feist, M. Jacox, O. Liu, K. Richerson, E. Steiner, J. Wallace, K. Andrews, L. Barnett, L. Bellquist, M. Haltuch, A. Harley, C. Harvey, I. Kaplan, K. Norman, A. Phillips, L. Rasmuson, E. Ward, C. Whitmire, B. Selden. 2024. Stay or go? Geographic variation in risks due to climate change for fishing fleets that adapt in-place or on-the-move. PLoS Climate 3(2), p.e0000285. [LINK]
Ziegler,, S.L., R.O. Brooks, L.F. Bellquist,, J.E. Caselle, S. Morgan, T. Mulligan, B.I. Ruttenberg, B.X. Semmens, R.M. Starr, J. Tyburczy,, D. Wendt, S.J. Jorgensen, A. Buchheister, J.R. Marin Jarrin, C. Pasparakis, J.A. Chiu, J. Colby, C. Coscino, L. Davis, F. de Castro, J. Elstner, C. Honeyman, E. Johnston, E. Mason, S. Small, J. Staton, G. Waltz, B. Basnett, E. Satterwaite, H. Kileen, C. Dibble, and S.L. Hamilton. 2024. Collaborative fisheries approach demonstrates that reserve size and age determine efficacy across a network of marine protected areas. Conservation Letters. [LINK]
Sepulveda, C.A., S.A. Aalbers, M. Wang, N. Godoy, A.M Jackson, L. Bellquist, K. Kauer, I. Cari, and P.M. Zarate. 2024. Insights into swordfish movement patterns and habitat utilization off the coast of northern Chile. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 52(1) [LINK]
Gilman, E., M. Chaloupka, L. Bellquist, H. Bowlby, N. Taylor. 2024. Individual and fleetwide bycatch thresholds in regional fisheries management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 34(1), pp.253-270. [LINK]
Johnston, E.M., R.O. Brooks, S.L. Ziegler, N.B. Spindel, R.M Starr, D.E. Wendt, B.I. Ruttenberg, L. Bellquist, A. Buchheister, J. Caselle, J. Marin-Jarrin, T. Mulligan, C. Pasparakis, B.X. Semmens, S.L. Hamilton (2024). Nearshore fishes abundance and distribution data, California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program (CCFRP), 2007-2023. California Ocean Protection Council Data Repository. doi:10.25494/P6901R. [LINK]
Gong, A.Y., Nosal, A.P., Cartamil, D., Anderson, J., Bellquist, L., Ben-Aderet, N., Blincow, K., Burns, E.S., Freedman, R., Logan, R., Lowe, C.G., Semmens, B., Stirling, B., White, C., Hastings, P. 2023. Migration, aggregation, and philopatry of two nearshore elasmobranch species in the Southern California Bight. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 724: 111-125. [LINK]
Blincow, K.M., J.T. Elstner, A.P. Nosal, N. Ben-Aderet, L. Bellquist, and B.X. Semmens. 2023. Spatial ecology of the Giant Seabass (Stereolepis gigas) in a southern California kelp forest as determined by acoustic telemetry. PeerJ 11: e16551. [LINK]
Free, C.M., Bellquist, L.F., Forney, K.A., Humberstone, J., Kauer, K., Qi, L., Liu, O.R., Samhouri, J.F., Wilson, J.R., and Bradley, D.C. 2023. Static management presents a simple solution to a dynamic fishery and conservation challenge. Biological Conservation, 285, 110249. [LINK]
Melnychuk, M.C., Ashbrook, C.E., Bell, R.J., Bellquist, L., Kauer, K., Wilson, J., Hilborn, R., and Odell, J. 2023. Characterizing state-managed and unmanaged fisheries in coastal marine states and territories of the United States. Fish and Fisheries. [LINK]
Free, C.M., Anderson, S.C., Hellmers, E.A., Muhling, B.A., Navarro, M.O., Richerson, K., Rogers, L.A., Satterthwaite, W.H., Thompson, A.R., Burt, J.M., Gaines, S.D., Marshall, K.N., White, J.W., and Bellquist, L.F. 2023. Impact of the 2014-16 marine heatwave on U.S. and Canada West Coast fisheries: surprises and lessons from key case studies. Fish and Fisheries. [LINK]
Brooks, R.O., E.M. Johnston, S.L. Ziegler, R.M Starr, D.E. Wendt, B.I. Ruttenberg, L. Bellquist, A. Buchheister, J. Caselle, J. Marin-Jarrin, T. Mulligan, C. Pasparakis, B.X. Semmens, S.L. Hamilton (2023). Nearshore fishes abundance and distribution data, California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program (CCFRP), 2007-2022. California Ocean Protection Council Data Repository. doi:10.25494/P6901R. [LINK]
Bellquist, L.F., Harford, W.J., Hurd, F., Jackson, A., Prince, J.D., Freiwald, J., Neumann, A., Likins, J., and Wilson, J.R. 2022. Use of management strategy evaluation to understand the value of citizen science in managing an iconic California recreational fishery. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 278: 108112. [LINK]
Aalbers, S.A., Wang, M.S., Bellquist L., Kauer, K., Jackson, A.M., and Sepulveda, C.A. 2022. Characterization of a developing recreational deep-drop fishery for swordfish, Xiphias gladius, off southern California. California Fish and Wildlife Journal 108(2): e12. [LINK]
Free, C., C. Vargas Poulsen, L. Bellquist, S. Nell Wassermann, and K.L. Oken. 2022. The CALFISH database: a century of California’s non-confidential fisheries landings and participation data. Ecological Informatics, p. 101599. [LINK]
Bonito, L., Bellquist, L., Jackson, A.M., Kauer, K., Gleason, M.G., Wilson, J.W., Sandin, S. 2022. U.S. Exempted Fishing Permits: Role, Value, and Lessons Learned for Adaptive Fisheries Management. Marine Policy 138: 104992. [LINK]
Brooks, R.O., S.L. Ziegler, R.M Starr, D.E. Wendt, B.I. Ruttenberg, L. Bellquist, J. Caselle, S. Morgan, T. Mulligan, B.X. Semmens, J. Tyburczy, S.L. Hamilton (2022). Nearshore fishes abundance and distribution data, California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program (CCFRP), 2007-2021. California Ocean Protection Council Data Repository. doi:10.25494/P6901R. [LINK]
Wegner, N.C., Portner, E.J., Nguyen, A., Bellquist, L., Nosal, A.P., Pribyl, A.L., Stierhoff, K.L., Fischer, P., Franke, K., Vetter, R.D., Hastings, P.A., Semmens, B.X., and Hyde, J.R. 2021. Post-release survival and prolonged sublethal effects of capture and barotrauma on deep-dwelling rockfishes (genus Sebastes): Implications for fish management and conservation. [LINK]
Bellquist, L., Saccomanno, V., Semmens, B.X., Gleason, M.G., and Wilson, J. 2021. The rise in climate change-induced Federal Fishery Disasters in the United States. PeerJ. 9:e11186 [LINK]
Nosal, A., D. Cartamil, A. Ammann, L. Bellquist, N. Ben-Aderet, K. Blincow, E. Burns, E. Chapman, R. Freedman, P. Klimley, R. Logan, C. Lowe, B. Semmens, C. White, and P. Hastings. 2021. Triennial migration and philopatry in the critically endangered soupfin shark (Galeorhinus galeus). Journal of Applied Ecology. [LINK]
Hamilton S.L., R.M. Starr, D.E. Wendt, B.I. Ruttenberg, J. Caselle, B.X. Semmens, L. Bellquist, S. Morgan, T. Mulligan, J. Tyburczy, S.L. Ziegler, R.O. Brooks, G. Waltz, E. Mason, C. Honeyman, S. Small, J. Staton (2021). California collaborative fisheries research program (CCFRP) - monitoring and evaluation of California Marine Protected Areas. Final Project Report Submitted to the Ocean Protection Council. [LINK]
Walker, H.J., R. Lea, O. Snodgrass, P. Hastings, J. Hyde, and L. Bellquist. 2020. Unusual occurrences of fishes in the southern California current system during the warm water period of 2014-2018. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 236: 1-10. [LINK]
Merrifield, M., S. Rienecke, L. Bellquist, C. Burt, M. Gleason, D. Oberhoff, M. Bell, and K. Kauer. 2019. eCatch: enabling collaborative fisheries management with technology. Ecological Informatics 52: 82-93. [LINK]
Bellquist, L.F., S. Beyer, M. Arrington, J. Maeding, A. Siddall, P. Fischer, J. Hyde, N. Wegner. 2019. Effectiveness of descending devices to mitigate the effects of barotrauma among rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) in California recreational fisheries. Fisheries Research 215: 44-52. [LINK]
Harford, B., N. Dowling, J. Prince, F. Hurd, L. Bellquist, J. Likins, and J. Wilson. 2019. An indicator-based decision framework for the northern California red abalone fishery. Ecosphere 10(1): e02533. [LINK]
Kauer, K., L. Bellquist, M. Gleason, A. Rubinstein, J. Sullivan, D. Oberhoff, L. Damrosch, M. Norvell, and M. Bell. 2018. Reducing bycatch through a risk pool: a case study of the U.S. west coast groundfish fishery. Marine Policy 96: 90-99. [LINK]
Bellquist, L.F., B.X. Semmens, S. Stohs, and A. Siddall. 2017. Impacts of recently implemented recreational fisheries regulations on the Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel fishery for Paralabrax sp. in California. Marine Policy 86: 134-143. [LINK]
Bellquist. L.F., A. Barker, J. Ho, and B.X. Semmens. 2016. Long-term dynamics in “trophy” sizes of pelagic and coastal pelagic fishes among California recreational fisheries (1966-2013). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145(5): 977-989. [LINK]
Bellquist, L.F. and B.X. Semmens. 2016. Temporal and spatial dynamics of ‘trophy’-sized demersal fishes off the California coast, 1966-2013. Marine Ecology Progress Series 547: 1-18. [LINK]
Bellquist, L.F. 2015. A historical perspective of California recreational fisheries using a new database of “trophy” fish records (1966-2013), combined with fisheries analyses of three species in the genus Paralabrax. Doctoral dissertation, University of California, San Diego. [LINK]
Lowe, C.G., K.M. Anthony, E.T. Jarvis, L.F. Bellquist, and M.S. Love. 2009. Site fidelity and movement patterns of groundfish associated with offshore petroleum platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1: 71-89. [LINK]
Bellquist, L.F., C.G. Lowe, and J.E. Caselle. 2008. Fine-scale movement patterns, site fidelity, and habitat selection of ocean whitefish (Caulolatilus princeps). Fisheries Research 91(2-3): 325-335. [LINK]
Bellquist, L.F. 2006. Movement patterns and habitat selection of ocean whitefish, Caulolatilus princeps, in a southern California marine reserve. M.S. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach. [LINK]
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